January 19, 1995: Vol26n13: ELECTRONIC HIGHWAYS: Bison's New Look BISON's New Look As a result of a SUNY Office of Educational Technology grant and the generosity of the H.W. Wilson Company, BISON (UB's online catalog) has nine new WILSON indexes to satisfy your information retrieval needs. Instead of searching GENI, which had only five Wilson indexes, you now select from the following databases: BIZL (Index to Legal Periodicals and Wilson Business Abstracts), EDLL (Education Index and Library Literature), GENR (Biography Index, Book Review Digest, and Readers' Guide Abstracts), HUSS (Art Index, Essay & General Literature Index, Humanities Index and the Social Sciences Index) and SCII (Applied Science & Technology Abstracts, Biological and Agricultural Index, and General Science Abstracts). These 14 Wilson indexes, in combination with BISON's other indexes which include ABI-INFORM, Dissertation Abstracts, ERIC, Newspaper Abstracts, PsycLIT, and Quakeline, provide the UB community with unprecedented searching power. The Wilson indexes will be available through 1995. They provide indexing back to 1989 and are updated monthly. It is important to read the introductory screens for each Wilson database grouping as they provide information on how to limit your search to a particular index and will inform you about the contents of each database. To get to any of the BISON indexes all you need to do is select subject area options 3-7 on the Database Selection Menu. (Option 1 is the "UB Libraries Catalog" and option 2 is "Other Catalogs" including SUNY Binghamton, SUNY Stony Brook, and the Center for Research Libraries.) In order to search the Wilson indexes via BISON REMOTE, you must enter the bar code number on the back of your current University at Buffalo faculty, staff, or student ID card. Future "Electronic Highways" columns will highlight individual Wilson indexes. For more information on the "New BISON" contact Mike Lavin, Lockwood Library, 645-6211, . - Gemma DeVinney and Loss Pequeno Glazier, Lockwood Library