November 10, 1994: Vol26n10: Crime prevention high on agenda By STEVE COX Reporter Staff Public Safety at UB is a lot more than just cops on a beat, according to Acting Public Safety Director John Grela. Keeping the public aware of potential crime problems, as well as crime prevention training and victim counseling are all part of the Public Safety agenda at UB. Public Safety sponsors seminars on topics such as rape prevention, premise security and alcohol and drug awareness, according to Grela. Also, two of the department's officers are instructors of self-defense classes available on campus. Grela urges people on campus to practice personal safety habits whenever possible, to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime. "Walk with someone, or in groups whenever possible," he said, "and avoid dimly lit areas." Grela urges people to report to Public Safety any areas on campus that are poorly lit. "We work closely with facilities and maintenance people to take care of problem areas." The Personal Safety Committee, which includes representatives from Public Safety and from Student Affairs groups including Student Housing, the Student Health Center and the Anti-Rape Task Force, publishes a comprehensive safety awareness brochure with tips on everything from fire safety to sexual assault prevention. The safety awareness brochure and information about campus-based seminars on safety issues may be obtained by calling Public Safety at 2222 from either campus.