9 Tips to be a GREAT Interprofessional Small Group Facilitator

students discussing.

1.   Be professionally neutral.

2.   Recognize diversity in students’ background.

3.   Be aware of perceived professional hierarchy and stereotypical beliefs about professions (e.g. gender, status, caring, power, etc.)

4.   Realize students may lack an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of other health professionals.

5.   Value the distinctive experience and expertise of each participating health professions student.

6.   Celebrate diversity – understand no one profession has all the answers for a patient or client.

7.   Clarify professional jargon.

8.   Understand and encourage discussion around the fundamentals of the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice:

·        Values and Ethics

·        Roles and Responsibilities

·        Interprofessional Communication

·        Teams and Teamwork

9.    Promote the benefits of interprofessional learning for teamwork and link effective team collaboration to patient care.