Developing Web Delivered Coping Skills Training for Women with Alcoholic Partners

Rychtarik | McGillicuddy | Barrick
This project is developing a Web-based coping skills training program to help reduce the psychological distress experienced by women living with an alcoholic partner.

In this study, Dr. Robert G. Rychtarik and colleagues are developing a web-delivered coping skills training program for women with alcoholic partners. The study’s early-stage treatment development work will use an iterative, user-centered web site development process to develop and preliminarily test the Internet-based Coping Skills Training program. Results will provide the foundation for a larger research effort evaluating this promising treatment delivery model. Dr. Rychtarik’s co-investigators on the study are Drs. Neil B. McGillicuddy and Christopher Barrick. Funded by a grant of $994,778 from NIAAA.This project is supported through funds provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), 2009-2013.