Developing Anger Management (CRCS) for Use in Alcoholism Treatment

Walitzer | Stasiewicz | Connors
Researchers developed and evaluated an anger-management program for outpatient alcoholism treatment.

Research has provided substantial evidence for a relationship between alcoholism and anger emotions (e.g., annoyance, irritation, frustration, anger, hostility). There also is evidence that alcoholics score higher on measures of anger emotions compared to non-alcoholics, and furthermore, that anger emotions are common precipitants to relapse. In this study, Dr. Walitzer plans to develop and evaluate an anger management treatment protocol (specifically Cognitive-relaxation and Coping Skills Training [CRCS]) for use as an outpatient alcoholism treatment. The project will be conducted in two phases. The first phase will involve the development of a 12-session treatment manual for conducting anger management therapy with outpatient alcohol-dependent men and women scoring high on an index of anger emotions. The second phase will include a pilot clinical trial to examine the relative effects of the alcohol-adapted CRCS among alcoholics. The long-term goal of this research is to improve alcohol outcomes and decrease relapse, which will provide significant health benefits to persons being treatment for alcohol dependence.

Principal Investigator
Kimberly Walitzer, PhD
Research Institute on Addictions

Gerard J. Connors, PhD
Research Institute on Addictions

Paul R. Stasiewicz, PhD
Research Institute on Addictions

Funding Agency
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
