New Faculty Hire

Published July 19, 2019

A picture of Dr. Yotam Ophir, smiling.

The Department of Communication welcomes Dr. Yotam Ophir to the faculty as Assistant Professor. Dr. Ophir received his doctorate in communication at the Annenberg School for Communication of the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to coming to the Department of Communication, Dr. Ophir was a Joan Bossert Postdoctorate fellow in science communication at Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied the coverage and discourse of health and science issues in new and legacy media, and its effects on audience’ perceptions and behaviour.

His research interests include media effects in science and health communication, political communication and narrative persuasion, computational communication with special emphasis on automated text analysis, unsupervised machine learning and network analysis. Dr. Ophir’s research encompasses the usage of quantitative methods such as experimental designs, survey designs, and content analysis. 

Visit Dr. Ophir’s website, for more insights into his work. 


By: Vindhya Burugupalli