Apr. 6-7 IEMA Visiting Scholar Conference

12th Annual IEMA Visiting Scholar Conference: "Critical Archaeology in the Digital Age"


Date:  April 6-7, 2019
Time:  9:00am-6:00pm
Location: Greiner Hall, North Campus

Join national and international scholars to address the concerns of moving to an increasingly digital field.

As archaeologists transition beyond the experimental period of digital technologies in archaeology, it is incumbent upon those creating and using digital archaeological data to engage with the effects on archaeological practice and knowledge creation. At present, significant attention has been paid to the productive aspect of digital data, especially with regards to digital recording in the field. These techniques have been used to supplement traditional recording practices, while also challenging some traditional aspects of archaeological practice. At the same time, the down-the-line impact of these data on publication, public outreach, and claims of ownership has only recently been considered. This conference will contend with the impact of digital technologies on these broader aspects of archaeological inquiry and data dissemination.

The conference will provide a space to consider how these tools are impacting our work as archaeologists and to critically discuss the ways to move forward in the discipline. This conference will bring together scholars working at different scales to implement digital tools, and whose research focuses on the impact of these tools on different aspects of archaeological practice.

This event is free for UB students, faculty and staff.  

For more information, please visiting the IEMA Visiting Scholar Conference website.