Reframing Your Digital Identity

graphic map of humans connected by lines.

Here's how you can protect yourself online.

Cynthia Tysick

Cynthia Tysick headshot.

Originally presented on
June 26, 2019

In the digital age, knowing what identities you may unknowingly have floating out there is important.

To help you better understand and manage your online presence, we're breaking down:

  • How to delete or clean up accounts
  • How to apply filters and set parameters for public viewing
  • How to brand your digital identity across various social media platforms 

About Cynthia Tysick
Cynthia Tysick (MLS '01, PMCRT '01, BA '99) has been an social sciences librarian for over 15 years. She currently heads a team of librarians charged with introducing first- and second-year students to library research and how to critically evaluate the mountains of information they encounter in their daily lives. She is a certified educational technology teaching specialist and currently working on her doctorate degree in creativity and innovation in higher education.